13 November 2024
Introducing International Fraud Awareness Week
Throughout the week of Monday 18th to Sunday 24th of November, Naomh Breandan Credit Union will be coming to you through our various communication channels, Text, Email, and social media to bring you our Annual Fraud Awareness Campaign.
International Fraud Awareness Week 2024
Our annual campaign aims to provide you with helpful guides & support on how you can protect and manage your own personal security details, including your Current Account Debit Card, online passwords, and PIN details.
Each day of this weeklong campaign, we will be sending our members ‘Top Tips’ on what to watch out for with ever increasing ‘fake messages’ ‘unsolicited phone calls’ ‘unsecure websites’ and how you can report this type of activity to your Credit Union.
Keep an eye out for our;
- Daily Texts which will reference IFAW – International Fraud Awareness Week
- Daily Email Campaigns referencing - International Fraud Awareness Week: Day One
- Social Media Posts – Coming Soon!
If you have any queries regarding your Current Account or Debit Card activity, contact Naomh Breandan Credit Union or Card Services on +353(1)6933333.
For more information, please visit https://currentaccount.ie/support/card-safety-guidelines/